lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

FeeL CoMfOrTaBlE!!!

Ok Hi everybody! Today I´m going to do my homework, after that I tell you that this weekend was great, why??? Because, my friends and I went to the "faro" (it´s a restaurant-bar) due to birthday´s Anahí, on Saturday at night. And we had a fantastic night with her… and on Sunday I spend my time with my boyfriend and family, we went out to eat… etc.
Ok I want to do my homework, this is my task: FEEL COMFORTABLE. That´s all that matters!
I think that it´s correct this statement, because it´s important to dress in a way that feel good with yourself, no matter what others think; but obviously there is a place for everything, for example if you feel good dressing with swimsuit , does not mean that you are going to go to school with this clothes , because it is not correct, you know.
For me comfortable are jeans, a t- shirts or blouses and sandals; but if I go out I try to dress better, like to use high heels & skirts; but most of the time I wear with jeans.
And remember ¡no matter what you wear, the important thing is to dress comfortable but according to the place where it is going!!!!!!!

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